The Han Cluster Jumpstart is NOW AVAILABLE on DriveThruRPG! In it you’ll find a brief, but iconic introduction to the larger Han Cluster setting. It includes a brief history to bring you up to speed, a few Settting Rules and a full-length introductory adventure called “Reunification”. The Han Cluster Jumpstart is specifically designed to introduce both the GM and the players to the unique aspects of the Han Cluster setting, including X-Ghosts, X-Bonding, and Ghost Traveling.
Pick up the Jumpstart HERE!
Inside the Han Cluster Jumpstart you’ll find:
- A fully layered and bookmarked PDF with color art for flexible printing options and ease of access.
- An introduction and brief history of the Han Cluster.
- An abbreviated set of Setting Rules specifically tailored to the Jumpstart.
- “Reunification” – a comprehensive and full-fledged one to two session adventure in which you deal with a cluster-wide threat only YOU are in the position to handle.
- Six fully-realized archetypes, specially made to fit within the “Reunification” adventure.
- Optional links to free online resources to take a deeper dive into the Han Cluster’s unique history and discoveries.
Sci-Fi Filled with Hope
The Han Cluster brings a level of human connection and hope to the sci-fi tabletop RPG space. Though there are still plenty of challenges to overcome and conflict to face, the setting emphasizes an underlying belief in our connection with each other. It offers an optimistic outlook on our future, despite our only too human shortcomings. It includes adventures that challenge the heroes, but also introduces characters, ideals, and mysteries that show them a world that’s worth fighting for.
Redefining play at the Table
The Han Cluster encourages a different kind of RPG play by introducing the concept of X-Bonding. X-Bonded mates are able to telepathically communicate with each other wherever they happen to be. This allows “table-talk” to become not only encouraged, but a narrative device within the game itself. Even more remarkably, they are able to send their semi-corporeal X-ghosts (apparitions they can separate from their physical body) directly to those they are X-Bonded with. This allows them be a part of the scene with their friends within seconds. And since they are semi-corporeal, they are even able to participate in what’s going on and help in conflicts with special Nex based weapons!
This changes the way players can play through and solve adventures, in addition to offering new possibilities for unique adventure design for GMs. The Han Cluster Jumpstart was made to give you an example of the amazing possibilities!
Pick up the Jumpstart HERE!
Digital/Printable Extras COMING SOON
A small, but useful, OPTIONAL supplement to the Han Cluster Jumpstart is coming to DriveThruRPG in the next few days! The Han Cluster Jumpstart Digital Extras offers a number of useful tools to help make some of the central concepts of the Han Cluster come alive for your players. It also offers some useful assets for VTTs. Look for it on DriveThruRPG soon!